Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Regarding the Texas Ban

There has been lots of emails from people all over the globe telling me that they are not from Texas, and wished for them to be unbanned, with a few people reporting to me not to ban a state just for a member. We have decided to unban Texas. We will try to keep an eye out for selriam to make sure he doesn't act like a spoilt child any further. Those who emailed me, thank you. I could not reply to all the messages as there were too many, so I will say my gratitude of thanks here.

Kamen Rider Decade 23 (SD & HD)

Diend's World (or Diend no Sekai as some refer it to ask for the sake of the coolness)'s second episode! Now we get to know more about Fourteen and his comrades as well as Daiki's dark past. What will happen to Diend once his task is complete on this world? Will he stay? Also, what about Decade? What has he got to do with Diend? Hopefully, those questions will all be answered in this episode. Hopefully...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kamen Rider Decade Episode 22 (SD&HD)

Decade's secondary Rider... Diend's world! Diend is the combination of the words "die" and "end". Dunno why, it just is. Well, it seems that the Blade Riders from the movie "Missing Ace" are in this world as well, and Fourteen and Co. are planning something. Let's find out what it is!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Final Stage

You guys would've noticed the existence of a "Order of Zeronos Studios" section on Order of Zeronos, but the purpose of it was never explained properly. Right now we're constructing it, and it'll be done soon. Studios, which is short for it, is basically an anime project where we will make animes by ourselves from scratch. Our first project has been entitled "Final Stage." It's going to include gambling, romance and all sorts of stuff. It's going to be set in a different world from ours where people'll need to gamble in order to survive. More details will be revealed later.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kamen Rider Decade Episode 21 (SD & HD)

Both versions released! Sorry for the late release. Tatsulot is really busy with his real life problems and such. He's also spending time on our Studios section which we plan to debut our first anime film sometimes soon. More info regarding our first Studios project will be revealed later on. Enjoy the second part of the Negative World where Tsukasa unleashes a legendary new form!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Kamen Rider Officially Revealed

New Kamen Rider has officially been revealed on both TV-Asahi and Toei! For those who do not wish to be spoilt, we will make sure that you won't by putting hide tags. Also we'll try to keep stuff about the new Rider off the forums; only in the specified forum. If you wish to view the spoilerific contents, please click on the title of this post, New Kamen Rider Officially Revealed. Thanks!

New Kamen Rider Spoilers | +
It has officially been announced that the new Kamen Rider is called "Kamen Rider Double". It is written as "Masked Rider W" but read "Double". It is part 2 of the celebration of the 10th Heisei Rider anniversary celebration. It is the first ever fully "double user" themed Rider consisting of two users: Shotaro Hidari (Hidari is also "left" in Japanese) and Philips. Not much is known about them both, apart from the fact that Shotaro is hot-blooded. They are both detectives who wish to keep the peace of the city that they live in, "Fuuto" (Wind City).